What’s New

IllegaView Server ( Ver.9Mar18) and Client (Ver.3 Apr18) are now released.

We are very glad to announce the release of a new version of Illegal View Server ( Ver.9Mar18) and Client (Ver.3 Apr18). This version reflects the most updated customers' requirements and requests to make illegal view more versatile and enhance security functions. With this version, a new camera function is added as a standard function, with which you can record operator`s picture all the time with built in camera or USB attachable camra. At the same time, PCI DSS encrption version Illegal View is now released to the business entities seeking for accreditation of PCI DSS. we believe that this...

KDTS Co.,Ltd has now released a new product SPIDER , a software specifically designed to manage privileged ID user and regular ID user activity.

SPIDER is developed only with KDTS's proprietary technology. It is a unique agentless monitoring solution for privileged ID user and regular ID user activity. SPIDER manages activity monitoring via WEB and therefore, it has a minimum network load. SPIDER can be applicable for not only Windows environment but also Linux. Furthermore, it works in thin client environment and VDI environment. SPIDER has a direct log-in control feature and it controls application for approval, approval confirmation, ID management and access management. SPIDER server automatically validates all ID data registered in high-speed whether they are rightful IDs or not. Thus, it ensures...